Private Parties

Plan a memorable event at the Den

Bachelorette Parties

Birthday Celebrations

Staff Appreciation Events

Family Fun Time

Social Gatherings

Book Club Meetings

Girls Night Out

Team Outings

Why choose the Den for your event?

Everyone loves massages!

BYO - Food & Drinks

A unique & fun event

Entertainment options

Beautiful private room

Open late for cocktail parties

Great space for socializing

Nearby activities & restaurants

Bonding experience

Plenty of free parking

Spa Parties $89+

Excellent customer service

Corporate events $58+

Tell us about your event

Would you like catering?

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"This was my first time at the spa and I loved it! The ambiance is so tranquil - the beautiful decor, serene music, pleasant scent in the waiting area. The massage I got was one of the best I've ever had. I found my new place!"


"Thank you Tranquility Den for a terrific spa party! We all loved our massages!! Can’t wait to go back for our next girls night out : ) "


"Tranquility Den is a beautiful space with a serene and laid-back zen vibe. It is upscale yet artsy and down-to-earth at the same time. I got a blissful massage...I’m walking on air"
